New! A La Carte Classes: Grades 6-8
Due to Popular Demand, We are Now Offering an A La Carte Option for Grades 6 - 8 only.
10 students Max Per Class
All Classes Taught by Outstanding, Certified, Experienced MS/HS Teachers
See Below For the Schedule, Tuiton, and Course Description

Contact Us To Learn More!
Instructional Materials Are Provided for Off Days

Middle School Math
We use an engaging, hands-on approach to learning that enables all students to be successful. Conceptual knowledge is valued over procedural knowledge.
-Numbers and Operations
-Ratios and Rates
-Percents and Proportions
-Linear Relationships
-Equations and Inequalities
-Data and Statistics

Middle School Science
By integrating project-based learning, students will be working independently and collectively to analyze, interpret and execute
real-world, hands-on experiments and projects.
Physical Science
-The Metric System
-Forces and Motion
-Newton's Laws
-Simple Machines
-Types of Energy
-Physical and Chemical Properties
-Elements,Atoms and Molecules
-Periodic Table
-Mixtures and Pure Substances
Earth Science
-Phases of the Moon
-Layers of the Earth
-Plate Tectonics/Effects
- Types of Rocks
-The Solar System
Life Science
-Organisms and Ecosystems
-Mutualism, Parasitism, Commensalism
-Plant and Animal Cells
-Classification of Animals by Traits

Digital Photography*
This will be a super fun and VERY hands on course where students will learn how to take portrait photos, photos while out and about in nature and of course some very fun staged food photos. This course will also incorporate a technology element and introduce students to basic photo editing software as well as some basic graphic design software. At the end of this course, each student will have their own portfolio of photography work that they not only shot by themselves, but also edited! How cool is that!!
* This is a 4-month course. We may offer Advanced Digital Photography following this introductory course if there is interest in continuing.
If you are interested in our MWF Full-Day Homeschool Hybrid Program, See Below.

Frequently Asked Questions:
-What is the reason the classes are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday?
We are a private school and most of our students are attending Monday - Friday. In order to create flexibility for our homeschool hybrid students, they will need to be here at the beginning, middle and end of the week for our lessons. We assess our students' learning frequently and make adjustments to be sure they are challenged and get extra instruction as needed for success. Students can learn independently at home on alternate days.
-Are there extra fees for "specials" classes? No. There are no extra fees for specials classes. The cost of our program is comparable to other homeschool hybrid programs when you add up all of their fees.
There is a $250.00 application fee for new families (for MWF classes only).
There is a $250.00 materials fee per year for books, school supplies, etc.

What should I do if this sounds like a good fit for my family?
Step 1: Schedule a tour
Step 2: Schedule a trial visit
Step 3: Discuss findings of assessments with our administration if seeking an offer of enrollment.
Step 4: If an offer of enrollment is received, pay the non-refundable deposit and submit required paperwork to secure placement.